When and Where?
We have a time of prayer before the service at 9:15am and our service starts at 10:00am
We meet at 11 Eastlink Drive, Hallam
What can I expect at a Sunday meeting?
We have engaging worship, an applicable message that is centred on God’s Word and opportunity for ministry and connection after the service. We also have coffee available right before and after the service where we connect and build relationship as a church family!
What is the style of your meetings?
We are not just singing songs about God, we’re singing songs to God, because we believe He is present in our gatherings. We’re passionate about God, and the expressions of our passion are spontaneous and never forced. Sometimes, as we see modelled in the Bible, we’ll lift up our hands, close our eyes, dance or kneel.
What about my kids?
We have programs available for kids during the service:
Our Mini Lights program is for children aged 18 months to 3 years old
.Our Little Lights program is for children in 4 year old kinder.
Our City Lights program is for children in primary school.
We have check in for these programs from 9:30 - 10:00am. All of our leaders and volunteers have current Working With Children checks and are a part of the MLC community because we prioritise and value our kids safety in everything that we do.