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Here at Melbourne Lights Church our heart is that everything we do would bring us into a deeper and more personal relationship with Jesus. As we grow in knowing and experiencing Him, we become better equipped to confidently and boldly share Jesus with everyone we meet.  



Part of what makes the Melbourne Lights Church community who we are is our core values and cultures. These values are the heart and foundation for everything that we do as a local church.  




We believe that the Bible is the word of God. It is the standard for everything that we believe, teach and do. God continues to speak to us today through His Word and in it we have everything we need to live in a way that is pleasing to God.  

1 Thessalonians 2:13



The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross made the way for us to be restored back into relationship with God. As soon as we give our lives to Jesus we are made completely new; our old lives are gone and our new lives have begun! This new life is marked by an intimate and personal relationship with God the Father, through Jesus, and our lives are now empowered by the Holy Spirit who lives inside of us. There is great joy that comes from knowing that God’s presence is continually with us in our lives. Not only does God invite us to experience more of His presence as we walk with Him, He also wants to reveal His goodness and grace to the world.   

1 Corinthians 6:19



God has spoken to His people throughout history and He is still speaking to us today. Jesus’ life on earth was marked by a close relationship with His Father. He understood that to truly live, He had to listen to what God was saying and see what He was doing every day and put it into action.  Jesus is our perfect example of how to stay in tune with the Father and walk in step with Him.

Matthew 4:4



Worship was never meant to be an event that happens once a week on a Sunday. As followers of Jesus we are called to live a lifestyle of worship. Every aspect of our lives is an opportunity to love, honour and glorify Jesus. When we realise just how Holy and Awesome God really is and we understand what He has done for us, we cannot help but show our thankfulness in worship.

Romans 12:1


Every healthy relationship involves two people working together. Prayer is our way of partnering with God to see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It involves hearing God speak prophetically, which He confirms through His Word, and agreeing with Him so that He is released to move. 

Matthew 6:10



God’s heart is that every person, regardless of age, gender, culture or background, would be part of His family. When we come to Christ, we become God’s children and we’re brought into the global church family. God also places us into local church families so we can grow and mature in our faith. Our God-given talents and gifts, in all their diversities, are expressed best when done within a healthy, loving church community.

Ephesians 2:19




True disciples of Jesus are people who have their hearts set on becoming more like Him. They know the word of God and they allow it to transform their thinking and their lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. As a church we want to build up and encourage one another as believers so we become more like Jesus.

Matthew 28:19



We believe that as Christians we are called to live on mission. The Father’s heart is that every single person, from every culture, background and nation would hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and experience the reality of that in their lives. Jesus is the one who saves, heals, delivers and restores and we get to share that life changing message with the world.

Romans 10:14-15


We meet at:

11 Eastlink Drive

Hallam, Victoria 


Phone us on:

0417 751 332

Post to us at:

PO Box 451 

Berwick, 3806

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© 2024 Melbourne Lights Church

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