Recently, we had the privilege of having a team from Compassion Australia minister with us.
Compassion Australia have a missional mandate to see children around the world set free from cycles of poverty by bringing the love and
Gospel of Jesus as well as establish practical and holistic development programs on the ground in the nations.
“Jesus is at the heart of what we do... We believe Jesus is the ultimate source of hope, both for the immediate and the eternal”
(Compassion Australia Website)
At Melbourne Lights we are passionate about Kingdom connections that go beyond our context and working together into the nations to
see Jesus glorified.
As a Church, we have already taken on 38 out of 40 sponsor children with the opportunity for more children to be sponsored
out of the same region.
If you would like to get involved with the incredible work that Compassion is undertaking around the world then you can
click here to view children available to be sponsored through this partnership.